
Monday, May 12, 2014

Poem: Yours

They will slit my veins
searching for your blood, in vain
for I am not yours

Not in flesh, not in blood;
Nor have I known your womb’s warmth.

But let them search my soul,
and find your face etched in gold -
for I am indeed yours

Yours in being, yours in living;
Reborn in your heart’s warmth.

A delayed Mother's Day gift for my mother-in-spirit. To the nit-picking world which survives on technicalities: my best friend's mother.


  1. just beautiful!! your mother in spirit must be jubilant

  2. My words here cannot make comments on such deep stuff...why don't you just make it easy for the rest of us - add a rating scale (+_+)

    1. The first part of your comment is in itself a comment :D That's a very helpful suggestion - might be useful for people who're too busy to comment! I'll get to work on it :)
